
Necklaces are my signature item and I like to think of them as the perfect medium to express my love of color and texture. All the pieces I make are one-of-a-kind and cannot be reproduced.
Below, view some random examples of my necklaces. Click on any image to view my entire Flickr Necklace album .

3CatNite's Necklaces photoset 3CatNite's Necklaces photoset




Take a look at my special line of jewelry using original clay pendants by Natalie Gillihan of Lake Quinsigamond Pottery.


3CatNite's Necklaces using Lake Quinsigamond Pottery pendants photoset 3CatNite's Necklaces using Lake Quinsigamond Pottery pendants photoset

Click the images above to be directed to the complete image album on Flickr.